donderdag 28 februari 2008

Dag 11 (18 feb): Verrassing!

Today (Monday) it’s back to school! Week 3 already. Time flies by when you’re having fun, isn’t it? Today we had another Dutch hour (culture) in which Derya explained some things about architecture, Rotterdam and design in the Netherlands. Mrs. van der Leer asked us how we were doing and if everything was going ok. She really cares about us. It’s nice to know that you can count on her and Mrs. Verloop. Thank you ladies!
After this we had the concept of education by Mr. Pols. We had to give he answers our country would give to the five basic questions. I made a presentation which you can also find in the portfolio.
There were a lot of similarities between the three countries which was nice to discover. In this way, we learn that development is the same all over the world.

In the evening I went to the Afrikaan Inn to go to the surprise party for Serkan’s birthday. It turned out it also was a surprise party for my birthday (17th of February, yes, 22 years already)! It was really nice to see that they had bought two cakes (one for Serkan and one for me) and it was also nice to meet new people (from Turkey). It was a really nice evening but I didn’t stay for too long as I had to get up at 6 o’clock.

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