zaterdag 9 februari 2008

Dag 4 7 Feb 2008: Willem van Oranje

This morning I was woken (again) by construction builders. At 10 past 7 they start working just behind the building where I live. Thank God I sleep good at night. I left for school early this morning because I wanted to send and check some emails and I still haven’t got internet at my place. I let my director and lecturer of Dutch back in Belgium know that I arrived good and that I changed the subject ‘Dutch Language’ into the subjects ‘Verzorgd Nederlands’ and ‘Creatief Schrijven’. Mrs. Verloop really helped me! Thank you very much, Mrs. Verloop.
After checking my mails I went to the classroom for an introduction to Dutch history and identity. As I’m very interested in history, I was really looking forward to this lesson. Mr. Groot gave us the story of the founding of the Netherlands. For me it was extra interesting because Belgium used to be part of the Netherlands (the Southern Netherlands) and in this way I learned a bit about my own country.

The way in which this country was founded and built (taking it from the water) really had its effects on the way Dutch people are, so: on the Dutch identity.
Just like in the United States, the people live in a cooperative way as a result of the way the country was originally founded.
The thing that interested me most, was how the Catholic church was driven away and how there was a Protestant one re-installed. Because I study to teach Catholic religion (I have a roman-catholic curriculum to follow), I find this very interesting.
The thing that shocked me most, was the way in which the Duke of Alva terrorised the Dutch people. It’s always hard for me when I realise how rude people can be to each other. When I see images on the television of wars (even in films!), I’m always very shocked when I realise that people are killing people for things they hardly even know about. We’re a weird species.

In the afternoon we had our first drama lesson. At first I thought: “Oh no, screaming and testing your voice; pretending you’re a dead tree, etc. No thanks.” Mrs. Schuit didn’t ask us to do any of that so I was quite pleased at the end of the lesson. It was a nice opportunity to get to know the others even better and in a whole different manner. The American joined us as well (they follow different programme) and we got to know them better.
This lesson made me think about the influence your posture and the way in which you move, have an effect on how people think of you and especially, how you feel about yourself. You can feel very self confident if you raise your head and put your shoulders straight. On the other hand, you can isolate yourself from the world when you look down. These things are really nice and good to know.

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